Need assistance completing your 2021-22 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or your California Dream Act Application (CADAA)? Attend one of the many Cash For College Workshops in your neighborhood. Get step-by-step assistance with completing your application. Simply register for a workshop at
***Dates to Be Determined for 2020-21
For the FAFSA, plan to come with a parent/guardian and bring:
-Student's Social Security Number and Driver's License
-Parent's federal tax return from 2019
-If not a U.S. Citizen, bring alien registration card (s)
-Parent's Social Security Number
-Bank account records, investments and business records
-List of colleges of interest
For the the Dream Act Application, plan to come with a parent/guardian and bring:
-Parent and student federal tax return and wage information for 2019
-List of colleges of interest
Plan to stay about an hour from the time you arrive. Bilingual assistance will be available**