MMHS...A school that provides opportunities for academic, social, and emotional growth that empowers individuals to create a positive impact in their school, home, and community.
Grossmont Union High School District Mission Statement
Through excellence in teaching and in partnership with parents/guardians and the community, our mission is to graduate life-long leaders who are productive members of a global society.
As a result of attending Mount Miguel High School all students will acquire knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to be constructive, contributing, and successful citizens.
It is our hope that you are able to access a wide variety of information on this site which will assist you in learning about Mount Miguel High School in the some of the following ways:
Gain knowledge of our programs and activities
Stay current by checking our daily announcements
Contact our teachers
Log into your Parent Portal for grade and attendance checks
Look up our athletic team schedules
Find our after-school tutoring schedule
Sign up for free tutoring from a local tutoring center
Join an after-school club
So get swept up in the Matador spirit and get involved. Enjoy finding out new things about your school and partner in your child's education.